A Home Away From Home
There are so many things to see and do in Middle Earth, not only on Crickhollow, but in the many other worlds of LOTRO. In the past, you may have enjoyed visiting other servers under the umbrella of alt server kinships and noticed that things have changed.
We are pleased to announce the Second Breakfast Alt Server resource! These are official Second Breakfast kinships across every server where Breakfasters can find things to make trips abroad as far from invading a dragon-guarded mountain horde as possible. As many people like to visit other servers to attend music and social events, you need not worry about what to wear! Each server has a kinhouse with shared cosmetics you can stick in your wardrobe. We are also building a lending library of specialty instruments to borrow if you are there to perform.
While each server has varying levels of activity and resources, the officers at the lead for each are there to help as best they can. As this project gets off the ground, we will continue to compile resources to share. We also hope to create a list of people with crafting skills who can help with basics you might need for your adventures. By their nature, these resources will not be as extensive as the ones we have on Crickhollow, but we hope to help wanderers in need as best we can.
If you have characters in the Breakfast Club kin on Laurelin or Landroval, everything there is business as usual. You will find some new things in the kin chest to help spice up your wardrobe and some additional resources will be incoming in the next few weeks and months.
The kins on all the other servers have changed. If you have characters you wish to bring home on those servers, we will have an alt server welcoming blitz on Sunday, May 12 from 1-3 pm ST where officers will be available to welcome you into these kinships. You may also contact the officer contacts for the server you need at any time to make arrangements.
The road goes ever on and on,
Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Let others follow it who can!
Let them a journey new begin,
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet.
May The Road take you on wonderful adventures and bring you safe home again.
The Alt Server Resource Team
P.S. Keep your eyes peeled for more information to come!
Last edited by +Aki on Thu May 09, 2024 11:04 am; edited 1 time in total