Alt Server FAQ
Welcome to the Alt Server Resource, the home of Second Breakfast outside of Crickhollow.
What is the Alt Server Resource?
They are official Second Breakfast kinships across all servers. It is a place to connect with other SB members on your off-server travels and find resources you might need, especially when starting out on a new server. Each server has different levels of activity and resources, but across all servers we aim to help folks with the basics. The Alt Server Team is there to help provide assistance to Breakfasters wherever they may roam.
What can I find on other servers?
Every server has a kinhouse with a few cosmetic items for your wardrobe, some basic dyes and an instrument lending library. We are working to develop our resources and tailor them to the needs of each server. We also hope to help connect people with skills you might need for your adventures. This is a work in progress and we are happy for input and assistance from folks who enjoy playing outside of Crickhollow.
Rights and Responsibilities
These kinships are extensions of Second Breakfast on Crickhollow and should be treated as such. When you are on other servers, you are a reflection of our kinship, just as you are on Crickhollow. Generally speaking, be your lovely Breakfast-y selves.
The resources we provide are intended for use by all kin members, much the same way as our warehouses are on Crickhollow. However, they are far less extensive, so please be considerate. If you borrow instruments, return them in a timely manner. Put cosmetic items into your wardrobe. The dyes are there to be used, but if you need larger quantities, get in touch with the ASR Team. If you are looking for something specific, please let us know and we will do our best to help you out. On many servers there are various crafters we can put you in touch with.
Whatever your rank is on Crickhollow, that is what it will be on other servers. The only exception to this may be the lead of any particular server. Various officers have taken on the responsibility of leading on each server. However, the successor will always be either the lead or successor of the main kinship on Crickhollow. If at any point an officer lead does not wish to continue in that role, it will be returned to the current leader/successor.
Server Activities
Each server has different levels of activity and areas of interest. Some are music and role play destinations. Some are places where people actively quest. While running events on the alt servers is not the priority it is on Crickhollow, there will be events from time to time and information about server activities like music festivals, theatrical productions and special events you might be interested in attending. Treebeard, as the only Legendary server remaining, has opportunities for specific rewards. If there is interest, there may be events to help people obtain particular objectives.
The Alt Server Resource Team
If you have questions, concerns or suggestions for things we might add to this project, please reach out to any of the members of the ASR team. Different people are active on different servers, but they can help point you in the right direction. The ASR team consists of Aki, Gelglir, Gryffs, Pontin, Vraia and Yrenetog. Any of us would be happy to answer questions and help however we can.
Where Can I Find the Kinhouse on Alt Servers?
The alt server kinhouses can be found at the following addresses:
Some of these servers include supplemental houses for storing other communal items. These include:
The regional maps of Eriador and Moria are a resource for the Cartographile deed. Once you collect your 10 free LPs, and the Eriador map, please return them to the chest for your kinmates!
Our goal is to obtain all deed maps for the kin on all servers. Further supplemental houses will be added to include more materials moving forward, so stay tuned!
We thank you for your patience as we round out the remaining collections!
Vraia is a Big Fluffy Bear.
She is the housemate of ... Applecider (Hobbit Bard) / Elladahn (Elf Champion) / Ellrohier (Elf Hunter) / Anarlossë (Human Burglar)
Home is 1 Pleasant St, Buckbank, Shire Homesteads. Drop in!
Antics, LOTRO Art & Fanfic! -- --
Here is a link leading to alt server maps :)